Newborn Photographer in Frisco TX

Newborn Photographer in Frisco TX

Newborn Photographer in Frisco TX

Today I’m back sharing more pictures from one of my own little one’s photo shoots

After having 4 full term babies, never did I think I’d end up in labor at 33 weeks pregnant. It was all so sudden that I didn’t really get the chance to mentally prepare myself. I had no experience with preterm babies. I had never stepped foot into a NICU unit before. My baby, Danya, entered this world with a bang and without any prior notice. At 4lbs, she was my tiniest baby!  The NICU was her home for all of 14 days. Her nurses were a godsend and I couldn’t thank them enough for being there for her and me.  I cried, bawled, in their presence while held my hand and told me it’d all be alright. I truly wouldn’t know what I’d do if she didn’t have the amazing nurses she had.

Those two weeks with her in the NICU were so incredibly hard and I have newfound respect and admiration for parents with babies there. I don’t believe I’ve cried as much I did while she was in the hospital. I just wanted to bring her home. For her to finally meet her siblings, who were dying to see her – hold her. When the day finally came, I realized what a learning curve it’d be with a preemie. I was so used to chunkier babies. Babies with great latch. No issue’s other than the occasional gassiness. Now I had a baby who was extremely fussy and colic. She was allergic to cow milk protein, soy and gluten. It took a little over 4 months for her to overcome her colicky stage.

Today she’s 6 months old. Although she’s still small, she’s thriving and such a happy baby.

Here I’m sharing some images from when we had just brought her home. These are her older siblings who love her so very much!


Shilan of Photos By Shilan is a newborn, maternity and family photographer based in North Dallas and serving Frisco, Allen, Plano, Flower Mound, Mckinney, Murphy, Richardson and surrounding areas

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